What do the creative arts contribute to the global economy?

As part of our mission at Work Show Grow and our new school program is to empower creatives to see their worth and value. We carried out some research into just how badass we are and why the world can't live without us 👊 We did this by looking at how the creative industries contribute to the global economy. We have looked at four countries. 

Our school delivers from an international perspective and our first workshop tutors are from Estonia, Hong Kong and Yemen. At the end of the week we're excited to be releasing the first month schedule to the people that have already signed up. 🔥🔥🔥🔥  CLICK HERE TO ENROL  👊

So let's dig in ... 🤓🔎

🇦🇺 💰 ⚡️
The creative arts make a major contribution to the Australian economy, employing 194,000 Australians and directly contributing $14.7 billion to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The creative and performing arts employ four times as many people as coal mining, and as many as the finance industry.

SOURCE - a long paper. Summary of key findings on the first page

🇳🇬 💰 ⚡️
Nigeria has the largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa and its fast growing tech, film and fashion sectors have become a strong exporter of culture.

SOURCE - and then click through the links for more recent articles

🇬🇧 💰 ⚡️
The creative industries in the UK employ 2 million people. It exports £46bn in goods and services world wide, and accounts for almost 12% of UK service exports. Almost 1 in 8 business in the UK are creative businesses

SOURCE - See also www.creativeindustriesfederation.com

🇮🇳 💰 ⚡️
In India Radio and Television account for a large share of existing creative employment (38.3%), closely followed by motion pictures and video (32%). Press and literature covers another 26.5%. Shares of other industries are relatively low.

SOURCE - scroll down to download the complete report 

The data is post-covid. Don't let the tales of an imminent global recession put you off your creative targets. Next week we'll be sharing some research we've been doing about the opportunities for creatives during recessions. There are lots! It's our time to shine. 



HOW TO: Move to another country


Pricing and editioning your work | Francesca Genovese